Android Wear

The Magic Minute Project

An influencer content campaign showcasing all the possibilities of a single minute.

What’s possible in a minute? Together with Android Wear and Chapter SF, we partnered with thirty different athletes, fashionistas, hackers, urban explorers and musicians to find out how much can be packed into sixty seconds.

We began by casting a wide net on social media to identify influencers who were pushing limits in their respective fields. Based on research into their audience and output, we crafted individualized briefs for each and helped them craft a treatment around one of six different interpretations of time.

The projects ranged from a motivational ice cream drone created by Simone Giertz, YouTube’s “queen of shitty robots,” to a day with teenage rock climbing phenom Ashima Shiraishi, to a gritty tour through Kiev with urban explorer Vitaliy Raskalov.

Their videos were all published to their platform of choice, as well as our campaign site, where users could browse them in a flexible grid, explore Android Wear devices and learn more about each influencer. Knowing that we had a lot of content to load across the experience, we created our own custom video player and finessed the page transitions to make them feel smooth and fluid.