
You Drive

A world first interactive TV campaign where users control the story via Twitter. Starring Kano and directed by Yann Demange.

To launch the new A-Class, Mercedes-Benz and AMV BBDO engaged us to produce You Drive, an interactive TV campaign for the new A-Class that invites the audience to drive the story via Twitter, directed by Yann Demange.

A 60” TV ad appeared in the first commercial break of X Factor on Saturday 6 October 2012, and at the end of the ad, when the driver was faced with a dilemma, the audience were invited to 'drive' the next part of the story. Using Twitter, viewers were able to steer the action of each commercial by tweeting the hashtag assigned to the outcome they preferred. In the next break, a 40” ad played out the option chosen by the majority of the audience. At the end of that commercial the audience are faced with another tricky predicament and asked to 'drive'.

During the Sunday results show, a 90” ad aired, recapping the first two episodes before showing the concluding chapter most popular with viewers.

The custom YouTube channel synched seamlessly with the TV broadcast, and worked across desktop, tablet and mobile devices, displaying the results of the Twitter vote in real-time.

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