
Race Report

A unique animated film for every runner of every race.

Strava is the social network for athletes — a platform that helps runners track their activity and share all of their sporting achievements.

Each week thousands of runners take part in organised race events all around the world. We developed a service that automatically transforms a runner’s data into a unique personalised film — rewarding each athlete and reminding them why they use Strava.

Using RITA, our real-time video rendering platform, each film showcases the highlights of an athlete’s training, their race statistics and finish time.

Each film is formed from 16 data points taken from an athlete’s profile, like hours spent training, total race elevation and race pace.

From that data, we developed a logic of thresholds and hierarchies to select which scenes would be shown in an athlete’s film. This ensured that an athlete only ever saw their best data.

"Stink's expertise with our APIs and data has made them a natural extension of our technical team"

Mateo Ortega, Director of Integration, Strava